Meghalaya Polyhouse Scheme

The scheme for establishment of polyhouses is an initiative of the Government of Meghalaya toimprove theagricultural and horticultural productionin the State. The diverse agro-climatic conditions in the State provide a rich abundance of natural wealth and biodiversity, including some unique and well-sought after produces such as fruits and vegetables. To unlock the full potential of the agriculture and horticulture sector, the Government of Meghalaya has been prioritizing transformation of the primary sector and has undertaken numerous initiatives to uplift agriculture and allied sectors in the State. On similar lines, the polyhouse scheme is introduced.

A polyhouse provides controlled environmental conditions which allows plants to thrive and flourish by shielding them from a variety of external conditions that may cause damages. However, due to high capital investments and maintenance requirement, the availability of polyhouse is limited in the State.

Therefore, in order to address this challenge and enhance the productivity of the State’s produces, the scheme is introduced to support selected beneficiaries to establish polyhouses across the State.

The scheme will be implemented by the Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA), Government of Meghalaya.

Up to 80% subsidy for project.The scheme would be implemented through a credit-linked subsidy model.

Scheme Details


With over 80% of the population of Meghalaya living in rural areas, agriculture remains the main source of income and livelihood. Therefore, to improve the lives of the people, agriculture development becomes crucial. Agri-infrastructure plays a pivotal role in taking the production dynamics to the next level. It is only through the development of infrastructures such as polyhouses that the produce can be optimally utilized with the available resources.

Polyhouses address the vagaries of nature and provide a controlled environment for the plants there by enabling a transition towards achieving enhanced production volumes of fruits, vegetables and flowers from the State.

Over View

The scheme aims to address the agri-infrastructure gaps in rural areas by establishing polyhouses for improving production of agri and horti produces, through a government scheme by providing subsidy-based assistance to the selected beneficiaries.

The scheme would cover subsidy for two types of polyhouses:

  • Naturally ventilated polyhouse: This type of polyhouse will have natural ventilation and systems to prevent insects and pests. This type of polyhouse will not have special automated environment control system.
  • Hi-tech polyhouse: This type of polyhouse is automated with control systems for temperature, humidity, irrigation etc.


The objective of the scheme is to establish polyhouses across the State to enhance and improve the production of agri and horticrops. By introducing the method of protected cultivation through polyhouses, cultivation of wide variety of plants with higher yields will be promoted.

Through polyhouses, cultivation of exotic plants can also be promoted. The scheme is expected to generate income and livelihood for the communities engaged.


The Government of Meghalaya is promoting establishment of polyhouses in villages across the State. Broadly, the benefits of polyhouses are listed below:

  • Higher yields with careful crop management practises
  • Optimal use of resources such as nutrients, water, and land
  • Cultivation of wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and flowers
  • High-quality produces due to continuous monitoring
  • Higher income due to increased production and reduced costs
  • Generate income and employment for the village


As the scheme is aimed at setting up poly houses at both household and village level, individuals as well as village-based institutions are eligible for applying for the same. Village-based institutions include Dorbar Shnongs, Integrated Village Cooperative Societies, Village Organizations, Self-Help Groups, Farmer Producer Organizations, and other such community-based organisation/society. The applicants should fulfil the following criteria:

The applicant must have land available for construction of the poly house. 

    • The applicant must be involved in a local income generating activity.
    • The applicant should not be a defaulter under any financial institution.

Documents to be submitted

  1. Identity proof of the applicant/ Registration certificate of the organization or society
  2. Address proof of the applicant / organization or society
  3. No Objection Certificate from Dorbar Shnong
  4. Self-attested statement on availability of land for construction of the polyhouse as attached in A
  5. Latest Bank Statement, if applicable
  6. PAN card of the applicant / organization or society, if applicable
  7. GST return for the year 2021-22, if applicable
  8. ITR 2020-21 and 2021-22, if applicable
  9. A duly filled application form as attached in Annexure B.

Application Process

Application procedure

The applicants can apply for the scheme through an online process on the official portal of the Meghalaya Basin Management Agency at:

Applicants can visit the portal and apply for the scheme on their own and upload the necessary documents. In case of any assistance required, the beneficiary may approach the DPM. 

Application assessment process and criteria

The verification of the applications will be done by

Terms and Conditions

All beneficiaries of the scheme must agree to the terms and conditions of the MBMA, Government of Meghalaya.  A tripartite contract agreement will be signed with MBMA, the financing bank, and the beneficiary. The terms and conditions of the contract are mentioned below:

    • Beneficiaries cannot transfer the polyhouse ownership to any person or organization within the contract term of five years without being issued a ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ or release letter jointly signed by MBMA and the financing bank
    • Beneficiaries can neither foreclose the loan with the bank and nor can make excess EMI payment.
    • Beneficiaries must repay the loan/EMI on time as per bank guidelines
    • Beneficiaries must keep their contact numbers updated as enlisted with MBMA
    • Beneficiaries must ensure maintenance and cleanliness of the polyhouse and its premises
    • Beneficiaries should ensure location of polyhouse with good road connectivity for transport of polyhouse produce to nearby markets.

Financing Plan

  1. An MoU shall be signed between MBMA, bank and the selected beneficiary.
  2. Financing of the CFC to the selected beneficiaries of the scheme shall be done partly by:
  1. MBMA (50%)
  2. Credit support through banks (30%)
  3. Community contribution (20%)
  1. MBMA will grant 50% of the cost of construction of the model CFC (as specified above).
    • If the proposed cost of construction is more than the model CFC then the grant will still be 50% of the model CFC.
    • If the proposed cost of construction in application is less than the model CFC then the grant will be for 50% of the proposed cost of construction.
  2. The bank will sanction 30% of the cost of construction of model CFC to the beneficiary in the form of a term loan of 5 years.
    • The prevailing rate of interest shall be charged by the bank and the repayment schedule will be 5 years.
    • To reduce the burden of the operational cost on the beneficiaries in the first two years MBMA will support the beneficiary by paying 50% of the EMI in the first 24 months.
    • For the rest of the EMIs after 24 months, beneficiary shall bear the 100% of the EMI/month
  3. The community contribution will be the remaining amount, which in case of the model CFC will be 20%.
  4. As security deposit, beneficiaries must keep a minimum balance which is equal to three EMIs (value equal to monthly EMI in first 24 months) in their savings account with the financing bank. They shall not be able to withdraw this minimum balance within the loan term and shall receive savings interest on the same for the same period from the bank.
  5. Down-payment support from the Government of Meghalaya will be transferred to the bank branch in favour of the loanee within 30 days of receipt of validation. In case the beneficiary fails to initiate construction within three months of receipt of validation, the same shall return to the department account.
  6. Only after receiving the required EMI from the beneficiary, EMI support from Government of Meghalaya shall be disbursed to the loan account of the same.


Implementation agencies

The Meghayala Basin Management Agency, Government of Meghalaya shall be the implementing agency for the scheme.At the district level, District Project Manager (DPMs) will be the nodal officers to help in the implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

MBMA will monitor the project closely through coordination with the banks and take corrective measures based on the performance of the beneficiary.

Economic Benefit

Planning, Investment Promotion & Sustainable Development Department, Government of Meghalaya, 


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