Friends & Partners
Ka PRIME ka bud iatreilang bad ki kompeni ne ki kynhun kiba la paw bha ban iarap na ka bynta kine ki nongseng kam la jong bad ban pynurlong ia ki jingthmu ka PRIME.

Implementation Partners:
Ka Nongstoiñ Social Service Society (NSSS) ka dei ka Seng bym dei ka ka sorkar ne ka Non-Governmental Organization kaba peit na ka bynta ban kyntiew ia ki ki kynhun ha ka imlang sahlang kiba duna ha ka ioh ka kot. Ka pynkup bor ia ki nongrep na ka bynta ki jingtrei ban pyndap ia ka jakpoh jong ki, nangta ban ai jinghikai bad jingpynshai ha kaba iadei bad ka koit ka khiah, ban ai jinghikai ha ki jingtreikam ia ki samla bad ia ki longkmie bad kyntiew ia ka jingseng kam la jong.
Ka North East India Committee On Relief And Development (NEICORD) kadei ka seng ne ka kynhun kaba don ha ka thain shatei lammihngi kaba la don ki dak treikam h akaba iarap ia ki paidbah kiba shah ktah na ki jingpynjulor ki bor ka mariang ka jingduk, ki jingpang, ka jingiap thngan badf ka jingkthah na ka jingiakynad pher jaitbynriew. Ka NEICORD ka ju pynlong ruh ia ki vocational course na ka bynta ki khynnah kiba pep skul noh shiteng por bad iarao ruh ia ki khynnah bad ia ki iing ki sem jong ki da ki prokram ban kyntiew ia ka longbriew manbriew.
Ka Society for Urban and Rural Empowerment (SURE) kadei ka kynhun kaba trei ryngkat ki Balang kaba la sdang da ka ki samla ka Balang Unitarian, Jowai bad kadei ruh kaba la ithuh da ka Unitarian Union North East India, kaba dei ka kynhun kaba khmih ia baroh ki Balang Unitarian ha baroh kawei ka thaiñ shatei lammihngi jong ka ri India.
The Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA) is a Section 8 non-profit company established under the Planning Department of the Government of Meghalaya. As an implementation partner, MBMA promotes sustainable livelihoods through integrated natural resource management, enterprise development, and enhanced market access, supported by investments from state and central governments, UN organizations, multilateral institutions, and other key stakeholders.
The Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIE) serves as the nodal agency for fostering entrepreneurship and economic development across Meghalaya. In partnership with PRIME, MIE undertakes key responsibilities in training, mentoring, and facilitating access to resources, empowering youth, women, and communities to establish sustainable ventures across priority sectors, thereby contributing to state-wide economic growth.

The Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA) is a Section 8 non-profit company established under the Planning Department of the Government of Meghalaya. As an implementation partner, MBMA promotes sustainable livelihoods through integrated natural resource management, enterprise development, and enhanced market access, supported by investments from state and central governments, UN organizations, multilateral institutions, and other key stakeholders.
The Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIE) serves as the nodal agency for fostering entrepreneurship and economic development across Meghalaya. In partnership with PRIME, MIE undertakes key responsibilities in training, mentoring, and facilitating access to resources, empowering youth, women, and communities to establish sustainable ventures across priority sectors, thereby contributing to state-wide economic growth.
Knowledge Partner:

IIM Calcutta Innovation Park (IIMCIP) Ka IIM Calcutta Innovation Park (IIMCIP) kadei ka bor ba iatreilang ha ka liang ki jingtip ha kaba pyntreikam bad pynshlur ia ki kam ka PRIME Startup Hub Meghalaya. Ka IIMCIP kadei ka Technology Business Incubator (TBI) ba la kyrshan da ka Department of Science & Technology, jong ka sorkar India, bad kam dei kompeni kaba trei na ka bynta ka jingiohnong. Kadei kaba la seng hapoh ka jingpeit ka Indian Institute of Management Calcutta bad kadei kawei na ki nongialam ba hakhmat ha ka jingtreikam la jong ha ri India. Nalor ba kadei ka nongpynshlur ryngkat ka jingtip kaba bniah ha ki rukom seng kam la jong, ka IIMCIP ka ai ka jingkyrshan ia kiba bun ki sorkar jylla (kum ha Assam, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh) ha kaba pyntreikam ia kane ka jingiarap seng kam ia ki hajar ngut ki samla ha kylleng kylleng ki jaka ka jylla.
Ecosystem Partner: