Awareness program on NEEDP by NEC in collaboration with IIMCIP

North East Entrepreneurship Development Program (NEEDP) an initiative of NEC (North Eastern Council) implemented in association with IIM Calcutta Innovation Park held an awareness program on 13th September, 2022 with an aim of creating an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem that can help foster, Socio-Economic Development and Employment Generation in the North East region.

As a part of this initiative, North East Entrepreneurship Challenge (Hunt) is being organized for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs across all the eight states of North East to identify a target group of 270 entrepreneurs through a systematic, transparent selection process ensuring representation from each state.

The event witnessed more than 200 participants and had a engaging sessions with the experts, this will eventually benefit them through incubation (for revenue stage startups) and pre-incubation (for pre revenue stage startups) programs – eventually to commercialize and grow their businesses. The program had boot camps and knowledge sessions that were conducted by speakers drawn from the IIMC faculty, alumni, ecosystem partners and domain experts.

Given the scale of the initiative, the North East Entrepreneurship Development Programme aims to create a far-reaching impact in terms of spurring the rise of a new breed of first generation entrepreneurs and consolidating the overall entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region.

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