How can I submit a grievance? How will it be addressed?

The PRIME program follows a transparent approach to address any grievances entrepreneurs or other stakeholders want to bring to the attention of PRIME. Grievances can be submitted here after registering on the Entrepreneur Portal.

We intend to solve any justified grievances at the earliest within a reasonable timeframe. The below shows the process including an automated escalation process in case a grievance could not be resolved within a justified period of time.

Escalation process

Standard – Level 0: PRIME Administrative Team (within 40 days)

After submitting a grievance the PRIME Administrative team will register the complaint, evaluate it and submit a notification of receipt to the sender via Email within 10 days. Then the grievance will be forwarded to the respective officer, department or location for further processing and resolution. For this purpose an additional 30 days are allocated.

Escalation – Level 1: Program Heads, PRIME Meghalaya (within 30 days).

If no resolution could be found within the first level, the grievance will be escalated to the respective Program Head of PRIME (Urban or Rural) for further addressing. A time frame of 30 days is allocated for this escalation process.

Escalation – Level 2: Director, MBMA/MIE (within 30 days).

If no resolution could be found within the first two levels, the grievance will be escalated to the Director, MBMA/MIE for further addressing. A time frame of 30 days is allocated for this escalation process.

Escalation – Level 3: CEO, MBMA (within 60 days).

If no resolution could be found within the first three levels, the grievance will be escalated in the last instance to the CEO, MBMA for final addressing. A time frame of 60 days is allocated for this escalation process.

Updated on July 23, 2021
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